Resources Of Interest

Books Available For Purchase
As a service to you, the following books are available for purchase through our law offices. Contact us for pricing information if you are interested in purchasing a book.
The Abstractor’s Bible By William F. Hoffmeyer
“An invaluable step-by-step guide for searching titles: A “must-have” for all title insurance agents and abstracting companies.” Available online.
Rebuilding: When Your Relationship Ends By Bruce Fisher
The following is an excerpt by Virginia M. Satir, author of the forward in Rebuilding.
The emotional levels one needs to work through during and following divorce are very much parallel to the stages one goes through at the time of death. At first, there is a denial of the events that have taken place and a consequent feeling of wanting to isolate oneself from the whole situation. Then anger, wherein one blames someone else for one’s predicament. The third level is bargaining; a kind of situation in which one wants to look at a ledger to see that things are equal. This is often manifest over the custody of children and property settlements at the time of divorce. Then comes a period of depression, which is where much self-hatred, self-blame and feelings of failure are present. Finally, after all of this, one comes to the acceptance of the situation and an acceptance of the self. Out of this comes hope for what can happen.
I believe Bruce Fisher’s book makes it possible for people to work through these various levels, stage by stage. It is important to give this “rebuilding” the time it needs, to awaken parts of the self that had been paralyzed, repressed or unknown.
Mom’s House, Dad’s House By Isolina Ricci, Ph.D.
From the preface of Mom’s House, Dad’s House.
This book is a practical and systematic guide for parents, which shows them how to build two homes for their children after divorce, even when the parents are not on friendly terms with each other.
This book explains and shows with an understandable step-by-step analysis how real-life parents can establish two homes. It includes compilations of aids parents have found to be most effective and useful such as checklists, self-surveys, descriptions, guidelines and sample agreements.
Divorce And Money By Attorney Violet Woodhouse, CFP And Victoria F. Collins, Ph.D., CFP
An excerpt from the introduction of Divorce and Money.
Feeling overwhelmed, confused, angry or depressed – these are normal responses to the stress of divorce. Our advice, as with any major undertaking, is to break it down into small manageable pieces. And because the hectic pace of life today puts so many demands on our time, we present this plan in step-by-step segments. When you complete several small goals each day, you are less likely to become overwhelmed and immobilized. That feeling of accomplishment helps you stay out of the crisis mode and works to your benefit both emotionally and financially.
That’s where this book comes in. It explains what you must know to avoid the financial disasters of divorce. Specifically, this book draws on our years of experience as financial planners to help you understand:
- What you own and owe
- How divorce affects you tax-wise
- How best to divide your property, investments and other assets
- What can happen to your retirement nest egg or your business
- What to do about alimony and/or child support
- How to prepare for negotiating a final settlement
- And how to gain financial stability in your new life as a single person or single parent
- York Abstracting Company
- PA Department of State
- Social Security Administration
- US Department of State
- Internal Revenue Service
- Consumer Complaints
- PA Codes
- Federal Statutes (PA statutes are not on-line)
- York County Government Site (also links to tax assessments)
- PA Treasury (to search for unclaimed property)
- Access York (for domestic abuse)
- PACSES Child Support Program
- SmartMoney (selected calculators for many types of analysis such as lease v. buy)
- PA Office of Financial Education
If you have questions about any of the resources listed here, please reach out to our offices serving York, Shrewsbury and Mount Wolf at 717-846-8846.