DID YOU KNOW Every adult should have a Healthcare Power of Attorney, a document that authorizes another person to make medical decisions for you if you are unable to do so. The document also authorizes medical personnel to share information about a medical condition...
The Safe Harbor
For Your Legal Needs
Month: April 2019
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New Pennsylvania Law Seeks Balance Between Fair Housing Act and Service Animal Scams
The federal Fair Housing Act requires landlords and housing facilities to allow service dogs and emotional support animals, if necessary for a person with a disability to have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy the home. To fall under this provision, the person...
Unemployment Compensation Don’t Disqualify Yourself
Don’t Disqualify Yourself Unemployment compensation can provide benefits during a difficult time. However, if an employee commits willful misconduct, benefits will be denied. In a recent appeals court case, an employee should have consulted an attorney to inform her...